
The campaign aimed at people between the ages of 20 and 30, active users of electronic devices such mobiles and tablets. The goal involved raising interest in the topic of e-waste.


The solution was to create a song in collaboration with a well-known and highly valued electronic music artist – Zamilska. The lyrics is a message from the Planet, a call for help and engagement. The educational message was implemented in interactive conversation about music with a Messenger bot.


The users were invited to interact with the bot via advertisements promoting the new song. While conversing with the bot, throughout few days they were receiving another pieces of the sound track, that illustrated issues concerned with the topic. During conversations they could find out how to dispose of e-waste responsibly, so that it can be used once again and learn about economical and ecological benefits of recycling . At the end, after three days they could listen to the whole song.

Within 2 weeks of the campaign, hundreds people had conversations with the chatbot generating all together over 30 000 interactions.




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